Professional Supervision
Working with Esther or William Diplock
You need professional supervision, to support you in your role as a
Pastoral Carer
Spiritual Director
Human Service Worker
Through this supervisory relationship, we will facilitate reflective practice, explore ethical issues, and help you to develop and enhance your skills, competence and confidence in your work setting. We will provide a reflective space and emotional support throughout the supervision process.
We recommend you read over the the Helpful Resource Supervision: What it is and how to use the time effectively. prior to your first Supervision session.
Group supervision is also offered both online and in person. See detailed information here.
Kerri's Journey
“Esther has played a significant role in my personal and professional development as a practitioner. She brings authenticity, fearlessness and gentleness that inspires and challenges me to dig deeper and stretch wider. There is often laughter, sometimes tears, and always compassion, respect and a moving forward.”
- Kerri Sweetman, Counsellor and Director Siloam Wellness Centre Ltd. www.siloam.org.au

“Supervision can be a place where a living profession breathes and learns.”
Hawkins and Shohet